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Linnansaari café is open


Minus degreeses froze the surface of the skating trail so that the ice surface is very good between the Oravi-Linnansaari-shipway. There are a few puddles along the route that did not freeze last night, but they are clearly visible and can easily be skated around (with caution). The route between shipway-Järvisydän is also skateable but between Kaarnetsaari-Järvisydän there is water on the ice in several places, which did not freeze during the night. It is best to use from shipway to Pikku-Lappi the new skating route that has somewhat uneven surface of the ice but no water. Today on Saturday, the Linnansaari crepes café is open from 11-15 (cash and MobilePay are accepted). Oravi's equipment rental and shop-café is open from 9-17 and a soup lunch also available from 11-15.

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